This is the beginning of a four week series written by The Salvation Army to give primary-school aged children an understanding of God’s awesome generosity and show them how we can all live a generous life too! The fun, interactive format uses different ‘zones’ each week, to create an environment that is engaging to children. Suitable for use in Sunday School, Kids Clubs or Junior Soldier Lessons. Whilst it is designed for children 5 to 11 years old, elements of the program can be adapted to cater for younger or older children in your group.
In this first week of teaching, we will:
Resource package includes: Leader’s Guide with full teaching notes for each session, suggested games, activities, crafts and ideas for theme displays, activity templates.
Genesis 1:29-31
1 Timothy 4:4
Parents_letter_1_editable Parents_letter_1_printable
Rightnow music clips can be used:
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord (with hand movements)
Sing for Joy
Sing for Joy (with handmovements)
In this second week of the teaching, we focus on God’s greatest gift – Jesus.
The lesson has 2 focal points:
Resource package includes: Leader’s Guide with full teaching notes for each session, suggested games, activities, crafts and ideas for theme displays, activity templates
John 3:16
2 Corinthians 9:11
Mark 5:1-43
Rightnow Music clips can be used:
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord (with hand motions)
Sing for Joy
Sing for Joy (with hand motions)
Treasure (with hand motions)
This is week three of the 4 week program designed to give primary-school aged children an understanding of God’s awesome generosity!
Today’s Scriptures reinforce the importance of putting our time and effort into eternal things such as our relationship with God, rather than building up a store of ‘things’ that don’t last.
Jesus says that if we are primarily concerned about our ‘treasures’ on earth, we are not focused on God and the life He wants us to lead. He teaches the principle “your heart is where your treasure is”.
Resource package includes: Leader’s Guide with full teaching notes for each session, suggested games, activities, crafts and ideas for theme displays, activity templates.
Matthew 6:19-21
Luke 12:13-21
Galatians 5:22-23
Parents_letter_2_editable Parents_letter_2_printable
Invitation-editable invitation-print-version
Rightnow Music clips can be used:
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord (with hand motions)
Sing for Joy
Sing for Joy (with hand motions)
Treasure (with hand motions)
In this final week of the series we teach children that Jesus will help us all to live generously if we ask Him to, and if we are willing to do our part.
We focus on the idea of ‘giving back’ to God by using our time, abilities, energy and passion to serve others in His name. We also introduce the importance of honouring God by giving our tithes.
Ultimately, it’s about giving back to God the first and best of all he gives us, and trusting Him to provide for us.
Resource package includes: Complete Leader’s Guide with full teaching notes for each session, suggested games, activities, crafts and ideas for theme displays, activity templates.
Luke 21:1-4
Acts 20:35
2 Corinthians 8: 1-5
2 Corinthians 9: 7-10
Rightnow Music clips can be used:
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord (with hand motions)
Sing for Joy
Sing for Joy (with hand motions)
Treasure (with hand motions)
Undivided Heart
Undivided Heart (with hand motions)
(John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 9:11)
This week’s GenerousChurch lesson is all about communicating the generosity of God and how He is our example of generosity. God is generous and we want to be more like Him, therefore we must be generous too. It’s a simple message with profound implications.
Bible Verse: John 3:16
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:11
You will need: Bible, Verse and sun image slides, Thank you cards, Worship songs
Matthew 19:16-17, 20-22, Luke 16:13, 2 Corinthians 9:11
This week’s lesson is all about the story of the rich young ruler that Jesus tells his followers about.
The young man’s refusal to sell his possessions and give to the poor indicated that he put his faith and trust in his stuff, rather than in Jesus. The challenge is to communicate the importance that Jesus places on servant hood. Giving up what we have earned is not easy, but holding onto it too tightly is much worse.
Bible Passage: Matthew 19:16-17, 20-22, Luke 16:13
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:11
You will need: Bible, Verse Slides, White board, Worship songs
2 Corinthians 8:1-2, 2 Corinthians 9:11
In this week’s lesson, we find the ultimate example of generosity as Paul introduces us to the Macedonian church in 2 Corinthians. We learn that, even though the people had very little, they gave joyfully to whoever had a need. The challenge this week is to communicate that spirit of selfless generosity to your children.
Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 8: 1-2
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:11
You will need: Bible, Verse slides, 11 dollar coins or pieces of candy, Worship songs
Luke 10:30-37, 2 Corinthians 9:11
The focus is on the real motivation for our generosity: LOVE. The real message of today’s teaching centres on our call to show love to everyone and therefore compelled to be generous to everyone!
Bible Passage: Luke 10:30-37
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:11
You will need: Bible, Verse slides, Paper hearts, Worship songs