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Self-sufficiency is unsufficient

12 August 2014

Reading through Revelations 3 shows that we can learn so much from God's word today.

Laodicea was famous for its wealth; its clothing industry and its medicines.  The reference to Revelations 3:17-18 shows they had acquired wealth and didn’t feel they needed anything.  Even though they produced salve for their eyes, they could not see they were not relying on God but on themselves.  They were being called to repent of their self-sufficiency and to find their sufficiency in Christ.

The similarities to today’s society shows the relevance of this message.  Sadly we still find ourselves relying on ourselves instead of God.  We should be finding our self-sufficiency in Christ but all too often as an individual, congregation and The Salvation Army the sufficiency is in ourselves or even others, and God occasionally gets a look in.  Why is that?

Self-sufficiency is the state of not requiring any aid, support or interaction, for survival; it is therefore a type of personal or collective autonomy.   Is fear and lack of trust blocking God from being able to ‘show up’ and be our source of sufficiency?

God in His amazing love is the great provider.  Our provision is limited, His is limitless.  Which would you rather rely on?

It is exciting when we rely on God and His miraculous provision.

I spoke to a woman recently who was so excited at how different her life was since she said yes to God and sought His guidance.  She had given to God but had never had the faith to tithe because she feared she would not have enough.  But she said she had to give God a chance, and He came through.  She found that when she looked at her budget she saw it through new eyes and found ways to save. God had given her wisdom.  She now receives the same amount of money but tithes and finds that God's provision is enough.

This is not an isolated story.  It is something we can all experience when we stop trusting in our own suffiency and allow God to take first place in our lives.

If you have a story to share, please let us know.


Christine Dickson (Major)  -  Generous Life Coordinator


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