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Servant Leadership

21 August 2014

Servant Leadership

I was just reading through an article written by General Andre Cox entitled "The Servant Leadershp of Jesus" in The Officer Magazine March-April 2014.  There were a few paragraphs which caught my eye.

"In a world that at times appears besotted with wealth, power, authority, rank and position, Easter is a timely and sober reminder that the values of the Kingdom of God differ vastly from popular patterns of thought."  Well, its not just at Easter is it that we need to be reminded of this.  "Jesus entered the world demonstrating that the values of God's Kingdom sit opposite to those of the world."

Christians battle the messages from the world.  It can be difficult to go against the general flow of how we should act and what we should do based on standards other than Christ's.  It is always a good time for us to remember that we are to "(so) imitate God. Follow Him like adored children, and live in love as the Annointed One loved you - so much that He gave Himself as a fragrant sacrifice, pleased God." (Ephesians 5:1,2 - The Voice) 

Live like Christ, be sacrificial, think of others, love others, live a life which generously lives open handed for others.  This is not the message of the world.  The world wants us to think only of ourselves and make sure we are ok.  But our lives are better when we think of others.  The saying, "It is better to give than receive" has a lot of value in it. 

Major Grant Sandercock-Brown in his book "21 Questions for a 21st century Army..." says: "The clear call of the gospel is for every Christian, and therefore every Salvationist, to live simply and generously, that the accumulation of wealth cannot be the main aim of our life, that if we do have, or acquire wealth, that we must share it."  God does not give so we can keep, but so we can give to others.  How exciting to be a part of God's ministry.

I leave you with words from another book I've read recently which was very helpful called "I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life" by Brad Formsma -

"When you choose to live a generous life you start to change and so does the world around you.  Something incredible happens when giving becomes our idea and not out of a duty or obligation.  When you move from awareness to action, miracles happen.  As you make giving a lifestyle, you'll realise you're not only loving life more, you're also creating a more generous world - a better world for all of us."


Christine Dickson (Major)

Generous Life Coordinator





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