ACT Legislative Assembly Committee Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation in the ACT

In February 2024, The Salvation Army provided a submission to the ACT Legislative Assembly Committee Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation. The Salvation Army’s submission draws upon our previous submissions on social isolation and loneliness, poverty, cost of living and housing. It was informed through consultation with local corps (churches) and the ACT Doorways, Youth and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Services teams. 

The submission details the connection between disadvantage and loneliness and social isolation by focusing on:

  • The experience of loneliness and social isolation for people facing hardship and disadvantage, particularly in ways that present most starkly in our services, including poverty, homelessness, alcohol and other drug issues and domestic and family violence.
  • Disadvantage as both a driver, and consequence of, social isolation and loneliness.
  • Connection as necessary for wellbeing and resilience in individuals and groups.
  • Opportunities to build more connection and community in the ACT.

Many of the 22 recommendations build on recommendations from past submissions around the need to invest in alleviating poverty, social and affordable housing, homelessness, AOD and domestic and family violence services, and meaningful collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The submission also recommends wrap-around support, improved partnerships and collaboration, improved accessibility, a public awareness campaign to address stigma, and a coordinated long-term strategy to address loneliness and social isolation.  

Learn more about the Inquiry

Read The Salvation Army's Submission

Watch The Salvation Army in the committee  

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ACT Legislative Assembly Committee Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation in the ACT

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