Sunday has long been the main day for Christians to gather together to worship. Every Sunday we celebrate and worship Jesus Christ, our risen Saviour. We use this opportunity to come together as a community of faith, to pray, sing, read the Bible and hear important teaching. Sunday Worship also allows us to share life toegther, both the good times and the difficult. Above all this, it is the time we set aside to devote ourselves to the collective praise of God, and we'd love for you to join us.
On any given Sunday there are a variety of generations and cultures in our worship and the format of each service is designed to allow everyone with the opportunity to be involved. You can also expect to be warmly welcomed from the moment you enter the front door and instantly a valued part of our church family.
Music is an integral part of our worship and so you can look forward worshiping along with our band, singers and ensemble.
At the centre of it all is an open Bible, symbolising our belief that God is with us and speaking to us by his Spirit, through the Word. Because of this, reading and teaching from the Bible is important at The Salvation Army.
Following worship we join together for morning tea and a chat on a fortnightly basis.