Kids Ministries

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Kidzone Club

is held on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 6-8pm. Its a fun night for primary school aged kids to let their hair down after a heavy week of school and build relationships in a safe and positive environment.

Sunday Kidzone

again for primary school aged kids but is held every week on a Sunday morning at about 10:30am. There is a spot in the adult worship meeting where the kids are invited to go out to Kids Church for their own worship time. They learn about Jesus in an active and exciting environment.


KidZone Music

For children from 4yo Kinder to grade 6, this is an age appropriate music program designed to engage the creative arts through Singing, Dance, Drama and Music. KidZone Music is not only fun and exciting but with our elective program, it gives our children an opportunity to explore different skills, gifts and talents. We finish the term with a Concert to showcase the items that the children have learnt to family and Friends and watch the children grow in confidence and ability. This operates Friday afternoons in Terms 2,3 & 4.

Junior Soldiers

Junior Soldiers are young people aged between 7-18 who have made a decision to be a follower of Jesus and who want to grow, serve others and understand faith in an age appropriate format. In The Salvation Army we value and take seriously the capacity of children to have an authentic relationship with jesus and to engage in the mission of God in a local setting.