The Salvos in Hurstville

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Open Air Meeting


Did you know that The Salvation Army has been a part of the Hurstville community for over 120 years?

Did you also know that our first church meetings were held in an undertaker's rooms in Carrington Avenue?

Please take some time to browse through these pages for the history of  The Salvation Army in Hurstville.

Click the following links for fascinating facts and interesting anecdotes about:

In the Beginning (a history of The Salvation Army in Hurstville)

Hurstville Corps Officers (our ministers)

The Citadel (our church building)

The Band (our Brass Band musicians)

The Songsters (our choir)

The Timbrels (you will have to read this to find out more!)

The Home League (our Ladies' fellowship group)

If you would like to know more about The Salvos in Hurstville, please contact us.

 With God All Things Are Possible


“The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.”
Zechariah 14:9

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