The Citadel

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Hurstville Citadel 1919

The land where the Citadel (our church building) is situated (corner of Bond and Dora Streets, Lot 37 Hurstville) was purchased in 1918 for £150.  A building was constructed of brick (as the Council would not sanction weatherboard halls in the central area at this time), and was officially opened on 26 July 1919 by the National Commander, Commissioner and Mrs James Hay in the presence of a large gathering. 

In 1937 the Citadel had to be renovated to accommodate the increasing size of the congregation. 

From March 1946 to July 1952, a building scheme was continually discussed (the delay being caused by building restrictions due to World War II), until, finally, approval was given for the Ladies' Retiring Room to be built, which was completed in December 1953. 

A new building scheme was launched on 27 April 1957, with the total estimate of costs being £23,000. When completed, the new Youth Centre and new 'modern' Citadel were officially opened by the Territorial Commander, Commissioner Frederick Coutts, on 2 December 1961. The complex was built for an approximate cost of £30,000. 

A further remodelling of the entire complex was opened by Commissioner Leslie Pindred on 28 February 1976.  This renovation saw the Citadel widened to the area previously used by the 'Cry Room', Songster (choir) Room and Ladies' Powder Room.  The Young People's (YP) Hall was extended to include the existing Primary (Sunday School) room and stairwell. 

In recent years, a 'demountable' building was placed in the area formerly occupied by the Corps' bus parking area, to the rear of the Citadel, for expansion of the Hurstville Corps' Chinese-speaking Congregation. 

Hurstville Citadel 2015 (c) Google

“The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.”
Zechariah 14:9

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