Professor Katrina McFerran at the University of Melbourne is undertaking a research investigation into Just Brass and its effects on children, schools, families and communities.
"Why does participating in the Just Brass ensemble seem to make such a powerful difference in some children's lives?
A study undertaken in collaboration with the University of Melbourne conducted research to find out.
Based on existing research, we expect it is to do with connecting in a meaningful way with others, whilst experiencing feelings of achievement and success that some young people don't get every day.
But this program is a little different to many that run in schools, not just because it is solely Brass Instruments, but also because it is the same every time, instead of being tailored to different kids and contexts.
There is something to this winning formula that needs to be discovered!"The Report—Just Brass is like a Family—by McFerran and Higgins pdf
A report by Melbourne University professorial fellow Brian Caldwell in the 'Australian' newspaper suggests that;
"Teaching the performing arts in Primary Schools significantly boosts the results disadvantaged students achieve in academic subjects."
An independent evaluation indicated that in national literacy tests the proportion of Year 5 students meeting minimum standards in reading rose 90% compared to about 65% in non-arts schools.
The Australian—Performing arts instrumental in school success.pdf
"It has been great to note that the students’ opinion of the school has improved in 9 of the 11 surveyed areas with huge increases in areas such as ‘Learning Confidence’, ‘Student Motivation’, ‘School Connectedness’ and ‘Classroom Behaviour’. I have no doubt that it is our students’ involvement in programs such as Music which is contributing towards our overall school improvement." Terry Scott, Principal Tate St Primary School submissions/ Music Ed Inquiry/ 45 Tate St Primary School.pdf
Just Brass teacher Britteny Ling presents
University of Southern California shows that exposure to music and music instruction accelerates the brain development of young children in the areas responsible for language development, sound, reading skill and speech perception. Music education works
Music Australia fact sheet and infographics
"music maximises student engagement and provides opportunities for a child's personal development that no other subject can match. Music improves confidence, self-expression and fosters creativity and enhances health and well-being. Making music in teams helps to establish a culture of tolerance and acceptance."
A wonderful story that was shared by one of our Just Brass parents: "So proud and happy for my little girl. She loves playing and learning Brass and has started on Tennor horn only this year. Here she was at after-school care playing a ‘concert’ for all her friends." It's so exciting to see our students sharing their new musical skills and love of music with others
We receive many stories from children explaining how their lives have changed since Just Brass became part of their school activity.
"Parents of these children have already noted the positive impact on their school work," Davidson said.
"One mother told the school her child was shy and lacked confidence but she has seen a significant change over the 12 weeks."