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Veteran Support Team – Queensland

Have you or a family member served in the Australian Defence Force?

We want to see all veterans in stable, safe and independent housing. If you need help finding that in Queensland, we are here for you.

What is the Veteran Support Team?

The Veteran Support Team has been operating since 2017 in partnership and funded by RSL Queensland. With additional funding in 2023 from the Queensland Government, we are able to extend our work to more veterans across Queensland. Our shared goal is to help ensure all veterans are in safe and stable housing.

Five per cent of Australian veterans who left the Australian Defence Force between 2001 and 2018 experienced homelessness. That’s roughly 5800 veterans (Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)). We believe our veterans deserve better and no veteran should experience homelessness.

We provide face to face and remote support that is flexible and responsive to veterans and family members throughout the state of Queensland who are experiencing and/or at risk of homelessness. This includes people of all ages who have served full-time for one day or more in the Australian Defence Force. Some support is also offered to reservists.

I’m a veteran or family member of one, how can the Veteran Support Team help me?

We recognise that, after leaving the defence force, veterans can face challenges with re-entering civilian life. This may include challenges with finding other forms of work, physical health challenges or disabilities, mental health issues including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), addictions, legal issues and changes to relationships.

The Veteran Support Team walks alongside those who served our country. We believe each veteran and their family should have choice and control over aspects of their lives including location, housing types, and support networks that suit their needs.

We can help you to develop the skills necessary to overcome any barriers you experience, and support you to secure and maintain stable, safe and independent housing.

This may include:

  • Supplying or organising crisis (temporary) housing
  • Offering support with tenancy applications and housing waiting lists
  • Providing advice for maintaining a tenancy to reduce the risk of homelessness
  • Helping to have skills obtained in service recognised in the civilian world
  • Linking in with, or referring to, other appropriate supports

Read about The Salvation Army’s approach to our homelessness services.

How can I find out more information?

If you are a veteran in Queensland and have any queries about your housing, tenancy issues or are homeless or at risk of homelessness, please reach out to our team and we can discuss the options available to you and work with you to find solutions.

Phone our dedicated Veteran Support Team line: 0486 002 535


Not a veteran but are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness? Reach out to the Salvos homelessness service in your area.


Read stories of how the Veteran Support Team has helped people in the past.

Financial struggles?

There are many causes of homelessness, one of which is financial hardship. Being unable to afford debt, rent or mortgage payments can quickly spiral out of control. To help reduce your risk of homelessness, we suggest taking action early when it comes to your financial difficulties. The Salvation Army offers emergency financial assistance and free financial counselling.

Learn more about each service, discover which one is right for you and find out how to get in touch.

Get financial support


External support services

RSL Queensland:

Open Arms: 24-hour counselling service and crisis accommodation

Wounded Heroes: Frontline support to both serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members

Bravery Trust: emergency financial assistance and financial counselling

Mates4Mates: physical, mental and emotional support and rehabilitation

Home For Good: support for people experiencing homelessness

Queensland Government Homeless Hotline: for information and referral

Red Cross: support for people experiencing homelessness

Anglicare North Queensland: Housing service (The Hub) in Cairns

3rd Space: Day-time drop-in centre:

St Vincent de Paul Society: housing and homelessness services


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The Salvation Army Australia is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. We share the love of Jesus by caring for people, creating faith pathways, building healthy communities and working for justice.

The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

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