Doorways to parenting
The Doorways to Parenting Program is a specialised statewide service that supports families in Tasmania. Doorways to Parenting supports parents/carers through evidence-based parenting programs and intensive case work.
Doorways to Parenting operates in the following sites and regions of Tasmania:
Offices at Clarence and Newtown. For enquiries regarding support in this region please contact, Jenna 0447 265 529
Through Department of Social Services funding, we can support parent/carers in the following regions: Kings Meadow-Punchbowl, Summerhill-Prospect, Young Town and Relbia. We also run two community-based playgroups twice a week in Punchbowl and Summerhill. For enquiries regarding support in these regions please contact, Yvie 0438 066 869
Through Communities for Children funding, we can facilitate Tuning into Kids and Sib Works in the following regions: Beaconsfield-Beauty Point, George Town, Newnham-Lilydale, Mowbray-Invermay, Ravenswood, Waverly-St Leonards. For enquiries regarding these programs please contact, Tessa 0459 976 681
Offices in Burnie and Devonport.
Through Communities for Children funding, we can facilitate Tuning into Kids and Tuning into Teens in the Burnie region.
We run a Supervise Access Playgroup for families with children under 5 involved with Child Safety. Please note this is subject to an assessment to determine eligibility and referral from Child Safety.
For enquiries regarding this region, please contact Madi 0418 207 310
Overview of Parenting Programs
*Please note the availability of these programs is subject to the region and staff availability.
- 123 Magic and Emotion Coaching (3 weeks)- Supporting parents/carers to manage challenging behaviours and emotions in children.
- Circle of Security (8 weeks)- Supporting parents/carers to develop an understanding of the attachment and bond between parents-children in a reflective manner.
- Tuning into Kids (6 weeks)- Supporting parents/carers with children aged 3-10, to respond to their emotions such as anger, sadness and worry.
- Tuning into Teens (6 weeks)- Supporting parents/carers with children aged 7+, to respond to their emotions such as anger, sadness and worry.
- Bringing Up Great Kids (6 weeks)- Supports parents/carers to increase their understanding of children’s brain development, what’s underlying children’s behaviours and reflect on their own parenting journey.
- Sib Works (7 weeks)- Supports children between 8-12 years old who have a sibling with a disability through a peer support program model.