Start Today Again

The Start Today Again project was designed and informed by recommendations from a previous action research project Increasing Men’s Awareness of the Effects on Children Exposed to Family and Domestic Violence, March 2016, Dr. Peter Lucas et al.
Start Today Again is a training program and resource ‘toolkit’ for use by presenters, trainers and counsellors to assist individual men and men’s groups understand the impact of family violence on children, and suggest ways in which changes in parenting relationships can be made.
It is based on the belief that males, all too often part of the problem of family violence, can also become part of the solution, both as bystanders understanding the impacts of family violence on children, and as men who decide that it is better to exchange attempts to control their family through any form of violence for attempts to build better and more supportive relationships with their children and partners.
The Start Today Again ‘toolkit’ draws on insights from contemporary domestic and family violence research including what is now known about the impacts of witnessing family violence on the developing brain of children. The ‘toolkit’ is designed for multiple uses and audiences, including community groups with a range of training program options.
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