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Karinya Support Services

A smiling family

Karinya Support Services provides a wide array of community services across western Victoria. Please use the links on this page to find more about our services in your local community.

Supported Housing for Families

The Supported Housing for Families team provides support to women, children and young people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless. Programs provide crisis and transitional supported housing responses as well as outreach support and case management.

Referrals to these programs occur via the Uniting Ballarat Entry Point team located in Dana Street Ballarat. Uniting Ballarat provides Intake and Assessment services and then forwards appropriate referrals to Karinya when vacancies become available.

Individuals and families that are referred to this team receive a Specialist Homelessness case management response, which may result in being allocated to supported crisis or transitional housing. Many of the referrals to this team require Family Violence Risk Assessment and Safety Planning, and all families are engaged in Children's Wellbeing Assessments. Case management is client led, strength-based and holistic and our experienced case managers support and empower the participants to find safety and stability. Families supported by this team may also be referred to the specialist services delivered by the Children, Youth and Communities team. If you are experiencing housing stress you can contact the team at Uniting directly or via the 24-hour line 1800 825 955.

Children Youth and Communities

Karinya’s Children Youth and communities team provides a variety of support services to the community with a strong focus on strengthening community connections, enhancing the capacity of parents, and supporting the wellbeing of children and young people.

Provide intensive case management services to children and young people who have experienced homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless. Referrals to this program are made via Uniting entry Point or directly from Karinya’s Supported Housing for Families programs. Guided by the Children’s Wellbeing Assessments and individual action plans these programs offer strength-based and trauma informed case management to support children and young people’s outcomes in the areas of health and development, emotional and mental wellbeing, education, recreation, relationships, and community connectedness and includes advocacy, access to brokerage and referrals when required.

L.A.R.F. Life skills, Activities, Relationships & Fun is a program for young people aged 12 to 17 who experience social isolation due to homelessness, family violence, financial disadvantage, and substance abuse and /or family breakdown. Referrals for LARF can occur both internally and externally. The program is facilitated by a program coordinator and assistant that support the recruitment of volunteer mentors who attend each session and support the activities. Each program theme focuses its efforts on building the related skills necessary to develop and thrive within the community. LARF aims to reduce social isolation for young people by facilitating a group program that offers structure, clear boundaries, a safe environment, and unconditional positive regard for young people.
MEA CATS is an afterschool activities program for children aged 6-12 years old. We encourage social inclusion, respectful relationships and above all fun! Referrals for MEA Cats are made internally via the Supported Housing for Families program. This group supports children to develop social skills, friendships and build their self-esteem with a hands-on play-based focus. At MEA Cats we champion the child’s strengths and engage them with curiosity and respect for their independence. MEA Cats is facilitated by staff and volunteer mentors who demonstrate the healthy and safe behaviours we wish to encourage in our community.

Delivers innovative programs that focus on the relationships and attachments within families and the connections to community. Referrals to family Connections are open and any family that wants to engage and connect with their community are welcome to participate. Activities include musical play group Sing Play Grow, support groups such as Masterful Mums, structured parenting programs including Tuning into Kids, Circle of Security and Bringing Up Great Kids and pop-up parenting information sessions covering subjects such as budgeting, cyber-safety and fussy eating. As advocates of social justice many participants have also taken opportunities to be involved in lived experience research and development opportunities. Please enquire at Karinya Support Services to find out about our inclusive programs and opportunities to connect with other families, build skills and most importantly, have fun.

After nearly 36 years of partnership with Karinya support services the Ballarat North Neighbourhood House has taken steps to align with the other local houses and spread its wings to become and independent entity. Karinya has supported this change and looks forward to the growth and development that will come from this development.


Karinya Support Services has a Chaplain on site that works alongside all staff and clients across Karinya’s programs. Referrals to our chaplain can come from both internal and external sources including self-referral. Our Chaplain is a skilled listener who respects the spirituality of all the members of our community providing a high level of professional confidentiality and spiritual care. Our Chaplain is there to listen and support people in times of crisis and provide advocacy and faith pathways when needed. The Chaplain is a point of contact when you don’t know what to do or who you can talk to and can provide debriefing, education, and support in times of grief and loss.

Head office

6 Crompton Street, 
Soldier's Hill
Ballarat, Vic, 3350

PO Box 83N, 
Ballarat, Vic, 3350 

Phone: 03 53367400

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The Salvation Army Australia is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. We share the love of Jesus by caring for people, creating faith pathways, building healthy communities and working for justice.

The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

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We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

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