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Melbourne Homelessness Services

Melbourne Homelessness Services is a network of 17 programs and services that provide support and other assistance to homeless and/or disadvantaged adults in Melbourne’s central, northern and western metropolitan areas.  

Our services include residential (crisis, transitional/short-term and long-term), community outreach, drug and alcohol, intensive support, disability employment, community and residential aged care.

Head office

9 Roden St, West Melbourne 3003 (near Victoria St)
PO Box 506, North Melbourne 3051
Phone: 03 9329 5777
Fax: 9329 0533


Support In Public Housing Program

Assisting older people living on the North Melbourne Public Housing Estate, services include case management, service brokerage and crisis support.

159 Melrose St North Melbourne
Phone: (03) 9328 5631
Fax: (03) 9329 1769

Residential Programs

Flagstaff Accommodation

Supported residential service providing accommodation, meals and case management support for 64 men with priority given to men in crisis who have no other options and significant support needs. The service is open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Referrals made through Launch Housing.

9 Roden St, West Melbourne 3003
Phone: (03) 9329 4800
Fax: (03) 9329 0966

Foley House

Long term residential program providing support, accommodation and meals for 45 men. Priority is given to those who have histories of chronic homelessness, are aged or have a disability and who have high level support needs and need a long term supported accommodation option. Referrals are made direct to the service.

78 Ryan St, Footscray 3011
PO Box 2328
Phone: (03) 9689 8843
Fax: (03) 9689 7636

Homeless Case Management Services

Case management support to people accommodated at Flagstaff, The Open Door and Community Based Housing.


Flagstaff Accommodation
9 Roden St, West Melbourne 3003
Phone: (03) 9329 8547

The Open Door
166 Boundary Rd, North Melbourne 3051
Phone: (03) 9329 4800

133 Rankins Rd, Kensington 3031
Phone: (03) 8371 7800
Fax: (03) 9329 4676

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Flagstaff AOD

9 Roden St, West Melbourne 3003
Phone: (03) 9329 8547
Fax: (03) 9329 4676

STAR (Substance Treatment and Recovery)

STAR is a joint program of The Salvation Army’s Adult Services Network (ASN) and VincentCare Victoria (VCV), and is contracted to provide Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) treatment services, delivering Assessment, Counselling and Care & Recovery Coordination services in the Inner North and North West catchment areas of metropolitan Melbourne.

Phone: (03) 9304 0110
Fax: (03) 9304 0164


Housing Pathways Program

This program provides Initial Assessment & Planning (IAP) assistance and support in accessing and/or maintaining accommodation, to men incarcerated at Port Phillip Prison, Melbourne Assessment Prison, Thomas Embling Forensic Hospital and Metropolitan Remand Centre.

9 Roden St, West Melbourne 3003
Phone: (03) 9329 8547
Fax: (03) 9329 4676

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The Salvation Army Australia is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. We share the love of Jesus by caring for people, creating faith pathways, building healthy communities and working for justice.

The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

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