Our financial counselling is available to anyone experiencing financial difficulty because of gambling. If you are in debt, our financial counsellors can help you understand and exercise your rights and responsibilities by providing information, options, advocacy and support.
We can help you:
Talk to our counsellors about issues or concerns you have, regarding gambling, in a safe, confidential and accepting environment.
Some areas you might like to explore in counselling:
Phone 03 9653 3250
Email mcsreception@salvationarmy.org.au
Address 133 Rankins Road, Kensington VIC 3031
Open hours
For after-hours support, contact Gambler’s Helpline on 1800 858 858
Here we help gaming staff identify patrons exhibiting gambling behaviours, and equip staff with the necessary skills to respond appropriately.
We do this by raising awareness of statewide and local Gambler’s Help services, self-exclusion programs, and other support services.
This support works towards developing responsible gambling practices and environments in the gaming industry, consistent with approved industry Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct.
Our practitioners provide local community education and prevention activities. These are tailored to local communities, and include attending various events and providing presentations to workplaces, community groups (for example, international students, schools, universities, sporting clubs).
Community engagement practitioners work with various agencies and organisations from a wide range of sectors. Working together, these partnerships use a mix of strategies to address priority health and wellbeing issues.
These include: