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Merri-bek Celebration Col. Kelvin Merrett 26th Feb 2023

Catch the message from our Divisional Commander Colonel Kelvin Merrett at our first worship experience under the new Corps name "Merri-bek Salvation Army." SUBSCRIBE to experience more great videos from Moreland Salvos. FOLLOW US: Facebook: Instagram: Website: 


  1. Dear sir, I’m a humble volunteer in Castlemaine salvos and about to see a successful $$ and valued community assets demise outside management to change the store will loose all volunteers and donations very quickly just like what happened to the RSPCA they got greedy and outside managers killed it and lost the lot I hope you won’t let this happen to our beautiful family store and don’t mess with success. Please help us sir I look forward to hearing from you as the leaders of an amazing army and family.Geoff Minns 0448857995

  2. Dear leaders save our store from the inevitable collapse when changes by greedy management follow the path of the RSPCA who lost a cash flow community support and an ignominious demise, Geoff Minns 0448857995

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