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S01 EP24 The New Normal - Major Andrew Jarvey

S01 EP24 The New Normal - Major Andrew J...

This week we wander into the wilderness in Exodus. major Andrew shares how God is desiring to do a 'new thing' with his people if only they would see it and embrace it. Sermon Notes:

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CA 28 August 2020 - Amanda & Johno

CA 28 August 2020 - Amanda & Johno

Challenge Accepted 28 August 2020 Amanda & Johno

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Close (Worship Cover)

Close (Worship Cover)

Some worship songs capture your heart right away. This song is bound to become a favourite as it expresses so simply our heart for worship. SUBSCRIBE to experience more online worship like this eac...

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S01 EP23 EXODUS - Stuck In Slavery - Major Di Jarvey

S01 EP23 EXODUS - Stuck In Slavery - Maj...

This week we open the book of Exodus where we discover we are not the first people to suffer from adversity. The Israelites thought they had found sanctuary in Egypt but it became their place of slave...

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CA 21 August 2020 - Sam

CA 21 August 2020 - Sam

Challenge Accepted 21 August 2020 Sam attempts "The Table Challenge"

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CA 14 August 2020 - Ashlin

CA 14 August 2020 - Ashlin

Challenge Accepted 14 August 2020 Ashlin

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S01 EP22 TESTIFY - with special guest Jared Stocks

S01 EP22 TESTIFY - with special guest Ja...

Can one testimony make a difference? This week we welcome Jared Stocks - he is a Chaplin and all around nice guy. Jared shares that one life matters, his testimony is so inspiring that you will...

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Alpha - Explore Life, Faith and Meaning

Alpha - Explore Life, Faith and Meaning

Alpha is a unique opportunity to explore life, faith and meaning. In these times of isolation and lockdown, re-engage with real people, meet some new friends and explore alpha together. Pre registe...

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S01 EP 21 TESTIFY with special guest Alastair Coombridge

S01 EP 21 TESTIFY with special guest Ala...

TESTIFY Week 3 - "Can our suffering be our greatest testimony." This week we say hi to Alastair Coombridge who has been a member of MOREland City for a number of years. Alastair shares his journey...

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CA 07 August 2020 - Ethan

CA 07 August 2020 - Ethan

Challenge Accepted 7 August 2020 Ethan does a half-court shot!

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S01 EP20 TESTIFY with special guests Matthew & Catherine Fernihough

S01 EP20 TESTIFY with special guests Mat...

Does our Testimony matter to those without faith? This week we meet Matthew and Catherine Fernihough. Matthew is a small business owner in the financial sector. Catherine is a school teacher and...

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CA 31 July 2020 - Cooper Girls

CA 31 July 2020 - Cooper Girls

Challenge Accepted 31 July 2020 Cooper Girls

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