Sunday 10:30am
17A Fletcher Road, Mount Barker
A vibrant worship experience for the whole family, celebrating God through Scripture, music, and Bible-based teaching.
Join our family-friendly services in a welcoming and relaxed environment.
Our service on the 3rd Sunday of the month is a Cafe Style church where morning tea and fellowship precede the worship time.
Sunday 10:00am
Join us as we pray together for our local community and beyond. Sunday 10am before the Worship meeting.
Wednesday 6:00pm-7:00pm (during school term)
17A Fletcher Road
A family friendly church service where we do a combination of contemporary worship, sermon, bible study and connection times. This happens during school term only.
3rd Saturday of the Month, 8:30am
17A Fletcher Road
A place for men to connect, make friends and enjoy a cooked breakfast all for a gold coin donation.
Thursday 10am
17A Fletcher Road
A group for people of all ages to share in laughter, share stories and enjoy morning tea.
Friday 7:00pm - 8:30pm
17A Fletcher Road, Mount Barker
Youth groups offer activities, outings and a focus on building strong Christian relationships for teenagers and young adults.
This is for years 7 to 12 and includes Youth Group fun and Small Group teaching on alternate weeks.
Wednesday 9:30am-11:30am
17A Fletcher Road, Mount Barker
Playgroup for 0-4 Year Olds
Fridays 5:00pm - 6:00pm
17A Fletcher Road, Mount Barker
Hills Kids is a program that is an age-appropriate time of fun games and a place to make friends
Tuesdays 9:00am - 5:00pm
Book an appointment with a financial counsellor for assistance and advice on overcoming difficult financial situations. Our financial counsellors can help you create a plan to get on top of your bills and can advocate for you with utility companies, financial and lending services.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00am-12:30pm
17A Fletcher Road, Mount Barker
Fresh bakery products, fruit and vegetables, pantry items etcetera. Our friendly volunteers would love to help you with what you need. Feel free to stay for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.