About Us

The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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Our vision is that HOPE, FREEDOM and TRANSFORMATION is available to everyone, every day, everywhere. We embrace this vision through our Connect 4 strategy where we encourage everyone to celebrate, cultivate, contribute and connect.  Learn more about Jesus.  Learn more about our team.

Our Connect4 Strategy


Celebrate is about creating a culture where each believer celebrates Jesus daily. We also see celebration when we worship and praise alongside other followers of Jesus by acknowledging who He is, what He has done, is doing and will do. When we join together for our Sunday services, it’s the celebration of all God has been doing in our lives over the past week.


Cultivate is about growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Cultivating our spiritual life is a personal responsibility. Everyone at NBC also partners with the wider church to further their own spiritual growth. This looks like developing spiritual habits that will help us grow our relationship with God. Some of the main areas of cultivating our Christian life include engaging with personal devotions, life groups, sermons and mentoring.


Connecting is about building relationships twofold.  We see connecting with our wider community as about being missional.  We have various opportunities through NBC to be missional and meet community needs. Being missional and connecting is also done literally, by being Jesus in this world as we go about our everyday.  We also desire to connect with those in the church. Building strong Christian networks enables people to share their lives and engage in life together by celebrating the good times and walking through the tough times with each other.


Contributing to the life of the church helps fulfil God’s idea of the body of Christ. When we all have a part to play, a chance to use our gifts, give of our time and finances. We encourage getting in, having a go and serving. This creates ownership and belonging! For more infos on how to volunteer, click here.