About Our Team

The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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Corps Officer.  I'm Scott & there are many things that make me uniquely me!  Being married to Sharon, we have 2 adult daughters who are both married and we are now blessed with 2 beautiful grandsons. I love getting out with my camera enjoying God's creation and capturing what I see for others to enjoy. The other part of God's creation that I love is the wonderful gift of coffee beans - especially sharing it over a conversation. I'm passionate about sharing with people the Word of God and His amazing love for each person. Mix in with that a love of NRL, AFL, NFL & getting out for a bike ride or a run - all of those things make me uniquely me!


Corps Officer.  I love to spend time and have fun with family and friends. I have two adult daughters who have both recently had their first babies so I am now a Mimi to two gorgeous grandsons. My background is in primary school teaching before stepping in to fulltime ministry. I love the spontaneity and honesty of little children and I find them energising (most of the time ). I love to build relationships with people and to share the journey of life. My favourite question is "where have you seen God at work?"


Children and Family Ministries Coordinator.  I am a fun guy and I love my family. I'm calm, relaxed and content with life! I want to help kids become best friends with Jesus!


Church Life Ministry Coordinator.  Hi! I'm Karyn. I live with my cat, Glitch. When I'm not doing things at church, you will find me drinking coffee with friends or doing trivia quizzes, sudokus or crosswords, or reading sci-fi/fantasy novels. I am passionate about helping people understand God's word and my dream is to see NBC as a church full of disciples making disciples, impacting the world for God. I have a Master of Divinity and have said that's enough study for me. Or is it? Watch this space.


Youth Ministry Coordinator.  Hey hey! I'm Arabella but you are more than welcome to call me Belle. I am a major fan of all things musical, movie and book related, with a hint of coffee added. It will be very rare to see me without a good book nearby. I adore my family both relative and church and would be more than happy to have a chat with anyone and everyone. I have a passion for bringing the younger generations to Christ in a fun and inclusive environment. If you have any good book recommendations let me know! God Bless :)


Office Supervisor.  I love dogs, and my human friends and family are pretty awesome too.  My job is my mission field and I love serving God in this way.  Our team in the office is fantastic.  I also volunteer at my church and help facilitate English conversation classes and have met some amazing people whose first language is not English.  I am who I am today because of Jesus, who sacrificed everything for me, so I might live for Him.  I trust you can see Him through me when you meet me.  I love doing things with hubby, catching up with friends, going down to the beach, learning a language, and watching really good sci-fi and action movies.


Administration Assistant.  I love spending time with my family & friends, I have a passion for helping people and making a difference and I love to see people smile. I love watching athletics and netball and can often be heard around the office asking if it is "Thai Friday" yet!! (I love Thai food.)