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Choose Family: Navigating Blended Families - 8 October 2017 (Ian and Marcia Watts)

By Ian and Marcia Watts

10 October 2017

In this first installment for North Brisbane's 2017 "Building Healthy Relationships" series, special guests Ian and Marcia Watts share their story and learnings of navigating life in a blended family. Ian will interview Marcia about her experience as a re

In this first installment for North Brisbane's 2017 "Building Healthy Relationships" series, special guests Ian and Marcia Watts share their story and learnings of navigating life in a blended family. Ian will interview Marcia about her experience as a relationship counsellor working with other couples and families in blended families and together their goal is to give a message of hope and how church community can encourage thriving in stepfamily life.

Choose Family: Navigating Blended Families - 8 October 2017 (Ian and Marcia Watts)


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