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Kingdom People Are Confident - 19 February 2017 (Peter Janetzki)

By Peter Janetzki

21 February 2017

Special guest Peter Janetzki shared about anxiety and provided an overview of the underlying biological causes of mental health issues and offered practical solutions to overcome them. In line with the theme "Kingdom First", Peter showed how we can still

Special guest Peter Janetzki shared about anxiety and provided an overview of the underlying biological causes of mental health issues and offered practical solutions to overcome them. In line with the theme "Kingdom First", Peter showed how we can still be kingdom people despite the challenging times of experiencing mental unwellness in ourselves, our family and friends. Peter explained that no matter what we face, God is still in control and no matter what the struggles are, God loves us and God accepts us and that we will always have victory through Jesus Christ.

Kingdom People Are Confident - 19 February 2017 (Peter Janetzki)


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