Listen to the Bible messages and teaching given each Sunday at NBC. If you wish to provide feedback or report problems about this service, send an email to
1 March 2017
Donna continues with our Kingdom People series with the topic "Kingdom People Stand Out". This message unpacks Matthew 5:13-16 where Jesus challenges his followers to be salt and light in the world.
21 February 2017
Special guest Peter Janetzki shared about anxiety and provided an overview of the underlying biological causes of mental health issues and offered practical solutions to overcome them. In line with the theme "Kingdom First", Peter showed how we can still More detail
18 February 2017
Danielle Starr continues the theme for 2017 "Kingdom First" by looking at the inward beatitudes of kingdom people and the outward beatitudes of kingdom people.
8 February 2017
On the back of our 2017 theme Kingdom First, Craig opens the series by helping us see who can be Kingdom People.
8 February 2017
Hear how Craig & Donna Todd believe God led them to our theme for this year and what that means for us all as we live to build His Kingdom.