NBC Bible Messages - 2017

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NBC Bible Messages - 2017

Listen to the Bible messages and teaching given each Sunday at NBC. If you wish to provide feedback or report problems about this service, send an email to info@nbc.org.au.

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Choose Respect: The Unexpected Consequences of Pornography - 22 October 2017 (Peter Janetzki) - Peter Janetzki

23 October 2017

As part of our 2017 Relationship Series, today NBC welcomed Peter Janetzki, a Christian counsellor and educator who deals with the breakdown caused by a wide variety of social issues. In this message, Peter shared powerful information about how we can cho More detail

Choose Love: Love Your Enemies - 15 October 2017 (Leisa Humbley) - Leisa Humbley

17 October 2017

People will constantly challenge us to choose love but if we do even when it seems impossible we are helping to create a better world to live in. God wins when we choose love.

Choose Family: Navigating Blended Families - 8 October 2017 (Ian and Marcia Watts) - Ian and Marcia Watts

10 October 2017

In this first installment for North Brisbane's 2017 "Building Healthy Relationships" series, special guests Ian and Marcia Watts share their story and learnings of navigating life in a blended family. Ian will interview Marcia about her experience as a re More detail

Building Healthy Relationship Series Launch - 8 October 2017 (Craig and Donna Todd) - Craig and Donna Todd

10 October 2017

Craig and Donna Todd launch the Building Healthy Relationship Series at North Brisbane for 2017. This year's series is focused on the topics of choosing Family, Love, Respect, Connection and Life.

Faith - The Final Frontier - 1 October 2017 (Karyn Woodford) - Karyn Woodford

8 October 2017

Karyn explores different aspects of faith to determine the motivation for her faith. She also challenges us to consider where we are at on our faith journey.

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