Listen to the Bible messages and teaching given each Sunday at NBC. If you wish to provide feedback or report problems about this service, send an email to
12 July 2017
God's ideal for the church is that we realise we have been mobilised for mission, ministry and to tell our story so that others will know His love and power. But what do we do if rather than being mobilised, we feel stuck. Shelden looks at ways to use the More detail
12 July 2017
Karyn speaks about sharing your story, what it is, what it isn't, and how its done. Easy? Cheesy!
12 July 2017
Jeremy explains that a key objective to being a missionary through conversation is to move others one step closer to Jesus and this can be done by simply sharing our story.
24 June 2017
Our lifestyle is our best witness to the world. Invest in others, imitate Christ and invite the gospel to live missional.
24 June 2017
Craig kicks us off into our new series EveryONE. Many people are familiar with the story of the "Lost Sheep", today Craig encourages to find ourselves in this passage.