The Home League is an important meeting point for many women in the community. It has long offered and continues to offer support, guidance, fellowship and friendship for a great many women.
The Home League meetings each have a particular theme such as Australia's Biggest Morning Tea.
Often a special guest is invited to speak and share a community minded message.
The Home League program (syllabus) usually includes an outing every now and then too.
Evening Fellowship (formerly known as "Ladies Evening Fellowship") is held on the third Monday evening of the month at 7.00pm and is an evening activity to cater for the ever-changing role of people today.
A syllabus is prepared and each month with a different activity arranged. These evenings could involve a guest speaker, a devotional meeting, a games evening, a trip out to a resturant, or an evening in a home together.
We encourage you to come along and bring a friend.