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Jesus Film App

4 July 2020

Jesus Film App

Churches around Australia are participating in a 4-minute challenge this month – a simultaneous download of the Jesus Film Project App.

Remember when we talked at SHIFTm2M about mobilising your people to connect with un-churched or the connected lost? We have observed that some people struggle with finding a way to start spiritual conversations. The good news is that many of these same people are finding that watching a carefully selected short film with their friends often leads to amazing conversations.

The Jesus Film Project App has over 200 short films which your congregation can use to start spiritual conversations. There is a vast selection of films in over 1,000 languages. Some films are designed for people who are far from God.  Other films are designed for Christian discipleship. There are suggested questions below each film which naturally lead the conversation deeper.
This month, many churches are having a Download Day where they take 4 minutes to show a short film and encourage people to download the Jesus Film Project App during or immediately after the service. Is this something that your church would like to participate in?

Here are some suggested short films:
Read more and download the promo pack
My prayer is that your people will find these short films useful for conecting people to Jesus.

Ian Finnan
SHIFTm2M Coordinator


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