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July 1 - CoVid Update

4 July 2020

July 1 - CoVid Update

CoVid-19 Update

1st July 2020

Dear Church Family,

What a year 2020 has been, this has been a challenging and difficult season for the community and the world. After major droughts, fires and floods the virus was a challenge that we did not need. However, as much as we did not need this, this has been a time of learning, growth and innovation as we pivoted to adapt to sharing the message of God’s love to the community. Throughout this time, whilst we haven’t been able to gather physically, it still has been a season of growth as we have seen new people connect and engage with the content, we are producing each week.

As we now move into July, NSW restrictions have started to ease, and this allow us to work towards reopening for Sunday Gatherings. Our current plan is to reopen for Sunday Gatherings on Sunday 26th July 2020. This is an exciting step forward for all of us. Our priority is and has always been to look after our beautiful people and to go above what is expected to make sure all are safe. As such, below is a list of the Guidelines required for all of us to follow as we move to reopen our building.

Sunday gathering Guidelines

Firstly, if you are unwell (esp. with any cold and flu like symptoms) PLEASE stay at home, we will make sure that the Service content will be available for you to still engage with.

Entering the Building

  • Everyone will need to enter through the front door of the church (Cambridge Dr entrance).
  • All adults will be required to sign in and provide a contact number on the official records. (Records are kept for 28 days as per Government guidelines for contact tracing requirements.)
  • Everyone entering the building will be required to Sanitize their hands
  • You will be asked to move straight into the church and find a seat.
  • No physical contact with others. (hugging, handshakes etc)

Worship Gathering

  • Initially our gatherings will be around tables with 4 people per table, to adhere to social distancing guidelines
  • Blue plastic chairs will be used (Material Chairs have been stacked away as they are difficult to sanitize between uses)
  • No shared resources can be used (bibles, songbooks, printed resources) All content will be projected on the Screen. We encourage that you bring your own bible.
  • A offering box will be placed at the door as you enter the main hall to place your offering in.

Worship Gathering cont.

Our worship gathering will be structured differently. We will have a time of Prayer, a Time of Teaching and time of Discipleship/discussion.

In the beginning, our time of teaching will still be pre-recorded during the week and distributed to those who are unable to attend due to health or transport issues.

In the early stages of regathering we will not have a corporate time of singing – this is in accordance with NSW govt guidelines and Salvation Army guidelines, once the guidelines change we will introduce singing again into our gatherings.

Post Gathering

  • We cannot all exit the building at the same time as we need to manage the number of people in the foyer at any one time.
  • You will be encouraged to move outside.
  • You can catch up with others outside the building, adhering to social distancing practices.

Corps Bus

We are unable to run the Corps bus, whilst Social distancing restrictions are in place. We encourage people to seek alternate arrangements on getting to Church.

Morning Tea

In the early stages of regathering, no morning tea will happen after the services.

Other Groups and activities.

We are currently focusing our attention on the reopening plans for Sunday Gatherings only; Other activities will happen down the track.

We encourage you each to organize informal catchups with each other during the week at Coffee Shops or in people’s homes. Let’s support local business and each other.


Following the gathering, all parts of the building will be cleaned down and sanitized. This is part of the Government requirements for reopening of the buildings.

Please be patient with us as we reopen, this is new for all of us and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us keep each of you safe and healthy. As details are ever evolving, we aim to keep up with all changes as appropriate.

We look forward to being able to gather together again, and we are excited for this new season and what God has instore for each of us as we grow and develop and press deeper into His will for our lives.


Capt. Donna & Philip


  1. The re-opening plans I believe have been done prayerfully and carefully; thank God for the way you both have managed this unique situation. I feel this time of isolation will bring our church family closer together.

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