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Important CoVid-19 Announcement

22 July 2020

Important CoVid-19 Announcement

Hello Church Family,

Believing you are all well and serving Jesus in your space. We just wanted to give you an update on our Sunday services. As you will be aware, we had scheduled to re-start in-Sunday services this Sunday 26th July but after much prayer and consideration we have decided it best to delay this at this stage.

With what appears to be a second wave of COVID19 gripping our nation, we feel it only right to keep you our precious church family safe in the best way we possibly can. We understand this decision may come with some grief and possible frustration, but please know we have not made the decision lightly.

Much prayer, thought, research, planning and speaking with leadership has happened to get here. Please feel free to contact us if you need to chat this through – we are all in this together.

Over the past fortnight, we have seen a massive change in all that going on around us. We have seen an increase in numbers of those who have contracted COVID19 in NSW and the prediction is for this to increase in coming days and weeks, community transmission is a hot topic and we have seen a place of worship as a place (amongst many others) in which the virus has impacted.

People are still moving around the state/s on holidays meaning that no-where is safe against the virus, also adding to this is that there have been many cases in which people show no symptoms but are carriers of the virus and this is frightening. We have witnessed line ups of people to be tested at the Lismore Base hospital this week also. To add to this in the past week we have seen a reinstatement of restrictions on the numbers of people allowed to gather in Churches in NSW and the talk of more to possibly come in the coming weeks.

We are aware that some people are not confident in coming back at the moment with all this going on either and many vulnerable people who literally can’t afford to come back until the metaphorical dust settles.

So, it is with heavy hearts we make the decision to hold off re-opening at this stage. We will not set a re-open date at this stage, but plan to review it each fortnight as new details emerge and we will keep you informed along the way.

With all this said, we will continue our online/DVD services for these coming weeks and will look at different ways to engage as we can. We believe that God is in control and trust Him for all that is to come.

God bless you each

Capts Donna & Philip




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