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Some thoughts….. on CONNECTING

31 July 2020

Some thoughts….. on CONNECTING 

Major Robin Moulds

Connecting on line is the new thing……  There is a lot of this going on with the current COVID -19 situation.  But let me ask you to reflect: are we really connecting???      

I looked up the definition of  ‘on line’ and one of  the meanings is “being controlled by or connected to a computer.”    

Are our connections in this time limited to just “being controlled or connected via a computer?? 

My challenge as I pondered this is to make sure that ALL members in our  church and communities are feeling that they belong at this time, that they are not forgotten. 

It’s easy to remain on auto pilot” as we attempt to bring our people together at this time, making primarily online connections, and hoping that this will give people the opportunity to connect, and that people will participate and feel included.   We may be tempted to focus on the “technical mechanics” of gathering because we believe these are the only details that we can control at this time.  

But I really believe that there is so much more. 

Jesus said: ‘I have come to give you life and life abundantly” John 10: 10   

We are called to look beyond the screen and look at how we can connect deeper at this time, how we can share the abundant life Jesus promised,  and how we can ensure that everyone in our community is somehow feeling connected. We must look at ways to create places and spaces where people who are alone, who are on the edge, can experience a sense of belonging.  

We need to be creative in the way that we gather people right now, and include those for whom technology is not part of their lives, or they don’t know how to use it. Our calling still is to those who don’t have a voice, those whose circumstances place them on the edge  -  the edge of loneliness, or spiritual aloneness.   

Those who live alone,  those who have little support, where the church is their only family.  

We need to go further than our  Zoom meetings….  If you look up the meaning of the word  “Zoom – one of the definitions is to ‘change smoothly from a long shot to a close-up or vice versa’. That definition reminds me that we need to make sure that people are not lost in the long shots… but that we zoom in closely to hear people’s stories and make sure they are not left out of the picture. 

Gatherings have an energy and power when real thought goes into them.   We must never forget the importance and power of being present with and for someone. We need to remember and plan for this not just in the future, when things are back to “normal”,  but also right now. 

While I was out walking the other day I saw five people having a picnic in the park. They had brought their own chairs, lunch and sat together, social distancing, but still connecting powerfully with each other.   

How we connect during these challenging days will influence how we will land as a church, and as a community when we are able to fully come back as one.  

This is a time for creativity, to look at the people in our churches, to plan and map out ways we can connect that ensures that no one is left out, particularly those on the edge. 



We can empower others to be a part of this process. In our Corps setting we established a team of  “connectors” -  who have a small group of people they reach out to and contact each week. These connections happened in diverse and beautiful, and safe ways.. 

  • a card in the mail 
  • a phone call 
  • a walk in the park 
  • a shared coffee 
  • a call sharing your favourite song with each other 
  • a drive by their place to drop off some shopping or much needed supplies 
  • drive someone to their appointment 
  • organise the young people in the church with the help of their family to send cards or to ring together as a family to say Hi. 
  • Do one on one bible studies 

 True connection will require us to “Zoom in” on those most in need in our church community and find imaginative ways to connect with them.   

We need not to have to do it all alone as Leaders but also look to engage others within the church.  Some people are working less time and so ask them to assist you.    Older people who would feel ‘needed’ if you asked them to cook something, or to call someone.  Organise someone else to pick it up and deliver it. I see this as uniting the rich and poor in ways they could never have imagined.  Rich being not in wealth as in money but rich in time, availability, resources, skills, passion but most of all love.  

We found that we were able to even connect with those who were not coming as much or on the peripheral of the church before this and bring them in closer.  

Some of the most beautiful feedback we have received from our connectors is how much this connection has encouraged them and brought blessing and life to them. The truth is that when we are intentional and generous in the way we bring people together and connect, we ourselves are blessed as people speak and bring life to us. 

So I encourage you to make sure everyone in your church community is  not only seen but felt…. 






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