The Salvation Army URL has changed to

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August 30th

19 August 2020

August 30th
We are currently planning to return to Worship Gatherings in our
building from August 30.
This may change is the Government advice changes in the coming weeks.

In the next week we will provide details in relation to how we will be running these services. All the information previously provided will still be in effect. 

  • You will be required to sign in on entry - this done electronically.
  • We will be requiring face masks to be worn (this is strongly recommended for places of worship by the NSW government). We ask for people to bring their own - if you don't have one speak to us and we can help you get one
  • There will be no morning tea
  • No Corps bus will be running

If you are unwell, please look after yourself and others by staying home. Online content will still be provided each week for those unable to attend the service. 

For further reading, please read the guidelines that were issued for our previous planned reopening here



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