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These are two main ways you can support the Northern Rivers Corps.

You can give financially:

There are a number of ways you can give financially to our corps:

  • you can give your tithe & offering online via BPay (for our regular church family members)
  • you can place your tithe & offering as cash or in a giving envelope and place it in the offering bag at church
  • you can obtain a envelope number for your tithe & offering from the church office (for our regular church family members)

If you haven't yet setup BPay for your giving, here are the details for your convenience.

The Northern Rivers Corps BPay details are:

Name:   The Salvation Army Northern Rivers

BCT Biller Code:   439802

Reference:   * Please provide your 5-digit giver reference number. 

* The Reference Number is a confidential security feature to allow your giving to be receipted on a quarterly basis. This can be set up through the office and is encouraged for our committed givers.


You can give of your time:

For those of you who like to give of your time, contact our Corps Leaders.

To give to the tax-deductible Red Shield Appeal, please donate online.

Go give to overseas development via the Self Denial Appeal, please donate online.