We're about people finding freedom

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Easter 2025 - Come and See

Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free” (Luke 4:18, NIV). 

Easter offers the perfect opportunity to share the Good News of salvation, everlasting peace and hope revealed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.    

May God bless, lead and empower you this Easter as you reveal hope to your community through the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

International Day of Children and Young People 2025

Celebrate the presence, power and promise of children and young people within The Salvation Army!

Every year The Salvation Army celebrates the International Day of Children and Young People on the last Sunday of April (27 April, 2025).

The day provides an opportunity to create space for children and young people to participate, co-create and co-lead in every aspect of our mission. It is about giving them a voice and a platform.

We believe that, although children are developing, they are, at the same time, whole and complete human beings. God calls each individual into a genuine relationship and a real vocation, not a potential vocation somewhere in the future.

This means we regard children and young people as full, active members of the Body of Christ, equally important as anyone else.

International Day of Children and Young People 2025