Supporting our community
Our social enterprises are essential part of our centres. From cafes and food shop to hire rooms, they provide affordable services and products to our communities and people in need.
By offering goods and services to our community, our social enterprises create employment and reinvest all profits back into the works offered by the Oasis Youth Services and the Salvation Army.
So come on over! And support us by simply having a cup of coffee!
Located in Wyong and Hamilton our cafes provides locals and surronding businesses with freshly made coffee, meals and a variety of takeaways.
Our aim is to provide our clients with fresh, tasty, vibrant food with a range of menu selection on offer. The current range of menus include, morning and afternoon teas, working lunches, group function plus much more.
Partner with us
We are constantly looking into partnerships with local businesses and organisations around our community.
Please get in touch with us today to discuss ways of supporting our social enterprise.