12 August 2020
August is our X Factor month at the church. X = Christ! We want to be a Christ centred community where everyone is being built up and equipped to share the love of Christ with the world.
To provide a COVIDsafe setting for our X Factor month, we are meeting in ‘huddles’. These huddles allow us to gather in very small numbers where we can connect, and share, and learn more about God’s word. Online worship will continue throughout August. The topic and scripture chosen in worship will link with the questions available for the huddles.
We are unable to give you a date for when we can start to meet at 426 as there are some certification issues that haven’t been resolved yet. However, the building project is approaching completion. Some furniture has been moved into the Administration area. The planter boxes are filling up with plants. Boxes and items from long term storage are now being sorted and readied for their new location. There will be some further working bees to keep this process going. Once again, thank you to everyone who is helping with this work.
We have become aware that community transmission of the coronavirus is rising around Western Sydney. The postcode with the most active cases currently is 2145! So, we are praying that you will continue to be careful and do the right thing for both yourself, your loved ones, and your local neighbourhood. We pray that God will continue to guard and to guide us in these days.
Keep praying. Keep safe.
Sharon & Grant