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Weekly Update - 18th January 2021

18 January 2021


We are excited to welcome Major Kylie Collinson to our team this week! Kylie joins us with her husband David, who is currently appointed as the Public Relations Secretary - NSW/ACT, and their son, Josiah. Their eldest son, Noah has remained behind in South Australia. Please continue to pray for Kylie and her family in this new season. 

We invite you to join us for our Welcome and Installation service this Sunday at 9:30am or 11am. Registrations are essential if you wish to attend in person. Please remember to bring your mask and sign in. 
Last Friday, we joined with the Kuiper Family in celebration of the life of Olwyn Kuiper. We know that COVID restrictions prevented many in our community from attending the committal service. If you would like to watch the recording of the service, you can follow this link. Please keep Nicolaus, Glen and the family in your prayers over the coming weeks. 
Café 426 will be open for tea and coffee in the crossover between our two services this Sunday. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate COVID guidelines, meaning that there will be no 'instant' tea and coffee station available. Barista-made coffee will be available for a gold coin donation.