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Parramatters - 17th September 2021

17 September 2021

Parramatters - 17th September 2021
We hope you enjoy catching up on what's happening at Parramatta Salvos. 

If you would like to submit anything to be considered for inclusion in our weekly church life update, please email by 5pm Wednesday each week. 

Stay up to date on social media during the week:
Instagram: @parramattasalvos

This Sunday we are joined by guest preacher, Major Mark Soeters. Mark and his wife, Judith, were going to be joining us to lead our Sunday Services this weekend had it not been for COVID. We are grateful that Mark has still be able to join us to share the word, and hopeful that we will get to gather under Mark and Judith's leadership sometime next year. 

Don't forget that everyone is welcome to join for morning tea today following our service.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 931 1984 8636
Passcode: 066848

Kylie & Sarah
(Corps Officer Team)

Click Here to Watch Church Online
Zoom Talent Show - Tonight!
Everyone is invited to join us for our Zoom Talent Show on TONIGHT - 17 September at 7:30pm!

There is still time to submit those acts, so if you have something to perform (or want to send us a video of your performance) get in touch with Sarah at

All performances are limited to 3 minutes, and UberEats vouchers are up for grabs for the winners! Group and individual acts are welcome, and there is no age limit!

Here's the Zoom link to join for a night of fun and laughs!

Meeting ID: 997 7252 0787
Passcode: 991936

We can't wait to see you there!
Prayer Meeting
Don't forget that our prayer meetings will continue throughout the month of September. All are welcome to join us this coming Wednesday night from 7pm-8pm. Everyone is invited to join, reflect and pray together.

Here is the Zoom link for this coming Wednesday September 15:

Meeting ID: 975 6485 5033
Passcode: 908987
2022 National Creative Arts Camp - Expression of Interest 
The Worship Arts team is hosting the Australia Territory's inaugural National Creative Arts Camp - a camp experience that will bring together creatives from across Australia to share in a week of praise and worship through music and the creative arts.  We are keen to identify creatives who would benefit from sharing in this special experience, learning and collaborating with other talented musicians and creative artists.   
Dates - Sunday 16 – Friday 21 January 2022  
Venue - Milson Island Sport and Recreation Centre, located 60 minutes north of Sydney, is secluded and stunning with sweeping views of the Hawkesbury River.  
Cost - $350  
Travel Subsidies - Flights for Interstate delegates will be subsidized to an amount that will keep travel costs to $150  
Delegates - Youth and Young Adults [15 – 30 years]   
Initially, the team are asking young people to register an Expression of Interest rather than complete a Registration Form.  Whilst there is growing confidence around vaccinations providing us a way to open up for events and camps over coming months, we feel an expression of interest is an appropriate first step towards bringing the camp to fruition.  
Any young people who would benefit from this camp experience can register their interest at:
Brass Band Catch Up
Join us online this coming Tuesday night with special guest John Collinson. All are welcome at 7:30pm on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 952 1581 5991
Passcode: 791192
Flourish - Save the Date! 
All women are invited to save the date for Flourish Online on Saturday 9 October from 4pm-5pm. We will be joined online by our special guest Commissioner Janine Donaldson! Registration and Zoom link to come. 
Giving Update
Thank you to everyone who has been continuing to give generously online during this period of lockdown. If you are unable to give electronically, we encourage you to put aside your tithe each week and bring it with you when we return to in-person worship. 

This year we had scheduled a 'planned-giving renewal' series, however, due to lockdown, we will be postponing until early 2022. We know that for those who give via envelopes, they will soon run out. We will be ordering more to last 6 months, however, we would love to know if you no longer require envelopes. If you have recently transferred to online giving and do not wish to receive more envelopes, please email Margaret Robinson at

Similarly, if you do not contribute to giving regularly at Parramatta Corps and would like to do so, feel free to get in contact with Margaret, Mj. Kylie or Lt. Sarah. Below are our banking details if you would like to give online or via direct debit.

Account Name: The Salvation Army, Parramatta
BSB: 032078
Account Number: 0810288
Please identify your contribution in the transfer narration.
Giving Update
On Wednesday night during our prayer meeting, we prayed this beautiful prayer of Praise & Thanksgiving. We hope God speaks to you through it this week. 

O My God, 
Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects, my heart admires, adores, loves thee, for my little vessel is as full as it can be, and I would pour out all that fullness before thee in a ceaseless flow. 
When I think upon and converse with thee 
Ten thousand delightful thoughts spring up,
Ten thousand sources of pleasure and unsealed,  
Ten thousand refreshing joys spread over my heart, 
crowding into every moment of happiness. 
I bless thee for the soul thou hast created, 
For adorning it, sanctifying it, though it is fixed in barren soil;
For the body thou hast given me, 
For preserving its strength and vigour, 
For providing senses to enjoy delights,
For the ease and freedom of my limbs,
For hands, eyes, ears that do thy bidding. 
For thy royal bounty providing my daily support, 
For a full table and overflowing cup,
For appetite, taste, sweetness, 
For social joys of relatives and friends, 
For ability to serve others, 
For a heart that feels sorrows and necessities, 
For a mind to care for my fellowmen, 
For opportunities of spreading happiness around, 
For loved ones in the joys of heaven, 
For my own expectation of seeing thee clearly. 
I love thee above the powers of language to express, 
For what thou art to thy creatures. 
Increase my love, O my God, through time and eternity.
Spring Wellbeing Challenge
You are invited to take part in our Spring Wellbeing Challenge! We know that many of you have been keeping your 'body, mind & spirit' well during lockdown, and we'd love to see how! If you have been gardening, exercising, puzzling or getting creative, we invite you to send pictures of the various activities you've been doing to stay well in body, mind & spirit.

During the month of September, send your images to and we will include them in Parramatters each week so we can see what everyone has been up to! 

Below are some photos from this week:
1. Annette Duncan: Just some of my precious indoor plants which I have found very therapeutic in caring for them.
2. Jon Griffin & Grandson Oliver: Having a snack after walking in the park.
Health Concerns
Please continue to pray for Ken Drysdale who is still recovering from various health concerns over the past month. We also pray for Jayne's brother, Jason, who has recently been diagnosed with COVID in Switzerland. 
Praying through our Corps Directory
We have made our way through the entire corps directory! Thanks to everyone who has been praying. We are ready to head back to the beginning. 

Each week we pray for people with surnames beginning with 3 letters of the alphabet. This week we pray for surnames A-C and we invite you to be praying for these people in your quiet time this week.