
The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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Praise God, our regular worship has recommenced, now starting at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome to join us in worship.

Our address: 48 Luttrell Street, Glenmore Park N.S.W.

We are a people who...

share Freedom through community
      inspire Freedom through action
            explore Freedom through faith

Freedom through community. We believe in the power of community. People loving other people, and people serving other people. Those who ‘have’ sharing generously – sacrificially – with those who don’t. People finding acceptance, encouragement, healing and support without discrimination. We believe no-one should have to ‘go it alone’.

Freedom through action.We’re not afraid to get our hands dirty to help secure freedom for others. If the environment is unpleasant, we’ll still go. If the issue is controversial, we’ll still speak. If the task seems impossible, we’ll try anyway. We’re convinced that freedom is for everybody. No exceptions. 

Freedom through faith. We believe that freedom is a spiritual journey as well as a physical one. Our faith convinces us that hope, purpose and fulfilment can be everyone’s story, and that true freedom covers body, mind and spirit.