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Join us in worship online!

Our Sunday morning meeting livestream can be found on Facebook or YouTube.

If you aren't able to join us live, you can watch our Sunday morning meeting's back on these sections of Facebook or YouTube.

As of Sunday 26 September 2021 we will no longer be uploading the weekly meeting videos to our website. Use the links above to join us in worship!

Worship Service 22 August 2021

Thank you for joining us in our online service. Stay connected to us through: Email: Website: Facebook: 


  1. watching from Lismore NSW Thank you Major Lyn Jones for a wonderful message given in such an authentic genuine personal way thank you for being real.
    May you be blessed as we have received a blessing today.

  2. @Elaine Virtue:
    Hi Elaine, it's lovely to have you join us in worship online! From Sunday 26 September 2021, we won't be uploading our Sunday morning meeting recording here to our website. It will be available for you to view live or at a time which suits you on Facebook or YouTube. Links available at the top of this page. Every blessing, Rachel Barker (Corps Secretary, Perth Fortress Corps)

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