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Breath Prayer

11 October 2021

Breath Prayer

Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Breath prayer

God breathed life into the humans he created. We breathe in and out all day every day and night.

When we breathe in, we take in oxygen that is essential for our body to function. When we breathe out, we get rid of carbon dioxide which is part of the waste that our body produces.

This breathing in and out has a rhythm to it and can be a powerful way to connect with God. Breath prayer has been practiced within the Christian tradition for centuries. We breathe in God and breathe out our request.

Breathe in – Lord Jesus Christ

Breathe out – Have mercy on me

Christian music also focuses on the idea of breath.

  • Breathe on me Breath of God – Fill me with life anew – Edwin Hatch, 1835 -1889.
  • This is the air I breathe – written by Marie Barnett in 1995 and sung by Michael W Smith.

Breath prayer can be a way of reminding us to pray without ceasing. Breath prayer can help me focus on God.

Breath prayer can be a way of consciously taking God in and asking of God or of releasing things we do not want in our lives.

Sheridan Voysey has written a breath prayer that is found on his website -

I breathe in to receive, and I breathe out to release.

Lord God, fill me with your Holy Spirit.

I receive your love,

and release my insecurity

I receive your joy,

and release my unhappiness

I receive your peace,

and release my anxiety

I receive your patience,

and release my impulsiveness

I receive your kindness,

and release my indifference

I receive your goodness,

and release my ungodliness

I receive your faithfulness,

and release my disloyalty

I receive your gentleness,

and release my severity

I receive your self-control,

and release my self-indulgence


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