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News / 2021 / 10 / 16


16 October 2021

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash


You may be familiar with the saying ‘Silence is golden’. Did you know that the full saying is ‘Speech is silver but silence is golden’, meaning that while words are important there are times when silence is better.

Sometimes even when we retreat to be with God, we fill the time with words and sounds: written words that we read, sung words and music that we listen to, words that we speak.

Adele Calhoun says that ‘Silence offers a way of paying attention to the Spirit of God and what he brings to the surface of our souls.’ 1


Silence enables us to become more aware of both our outer world and our inner world. We become more aware of internal thoughts and feelings that were not heard with the noise of our lives. Perhaps we become more aware of impatience, or resentment, or of concern. We hear the sounds of the world around us more clearly and may become more aware of others and our environment. In silence we open ourselves to hear the voice of God more clearly.

Elijah did not hear God in the strong wind or the fire. Once these had settled, he heard the whisper, the still small voice of God. (1 Kings 19:12)

Find a time for silence this week

· What feelings do you become aware of?

· What thoughts do you hear?

· What in your outside world do you become aware of?

· What do you hear the Holy Spirit saying to you?

· In this time of silence what do you become grateful for?

· What action are you prompted to?


  1. Thanks for sharing about Silence!

  2. Thanks for sharing

  3. Thanks for this!

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