Red Shield Appeal

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News / Events / 2019 / 05 / 21

Red Shield Appeal

21 May 2019 8:31am - 21 June 2019 8:31am

Location: 110 Lord Street, Port Macquarie

YOU can make a difference in the lives of families in your local community.

A few ways you can help The Salvos help others.   

Make it a family activity.

Ask your friends and workmates to join you.

  • Register online to volunteer for The Red Shield Appeal
  • Come along to The Salvation Army, 110 Lord St Port Macquarie at 8.30am on Sunday 26 May.


  1. Amos L. Chumbley
    Amos L. Chumbley

    The main objective of geometry dash lite is to navigate through several levels that are dotted with spikes, platforms, and other obstacles. If players do not tap the screen to assist the cube in jumping over obstacles, it will move on its own. Timeliness and accuracy are essential.

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