Red Shield Appeal 2023

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News / Events / 2023 / 03 / 17

Red Shield Appeal 2023

17 March 2023 12:00am - 31 May 2023 12:00am

Location: Port Macquarie Salvation Army Corps

Let's get an early start on this year's Red Shield Appeal 

Below you can click the link to our very own Port Macquarie Salvos "Digital Doorknock page "

  • Go to our page to donate
  • Please share our page
  • Ask friends to share and donate on our page
  • You can create your own page to share with your family or friends ’

Use this link to start your Digital Doorknock journey. You can help us ‘Leave no one in need. ...


Help us reach our target of $10000.00 for 2023


  1. Daniel R. Mason
    Daniel R. Mason

    In the challenging, action-packed rhythm-based platformer geometry dash online , players must put their talents to the test. It's addictive and humorous at the same time. As you move through a succession of obstacles in time with the music, the objective of the game is to test your reflexes and timing.

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