Red Shield Appeal 2023

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Red Shield Appeal 2023

3 May 2023 - 21 May 2023

Right now, thousands of families are struggling to afford petrol, rent, and power. Even putting food on the table is an uphill battle. People are being forced to extreme measures to try and cope with financial stress. Skipping meals. Forgoing mortgage payments. Cancelling medical treatments…

Some burdens are too big to carry alone.

The 2023 Red Shield Appeal campaign focuses on bringing to life the struggles of everyday Australians. ​

Stories of people who stop short of seeking help due to fear or shame, or people facing unbearable challenges just to feed their families and keep them safe. ​​

How can I help?

We as a corps are collecting again at Eastland Shopping centre from 15-21 May. Other locations will be considered on the basis of volunteers. Contact the office if you would like to donate or assist with our collecting

Start an online Digital Doorknock

Visit to start an online fundraiser. You can do this as an individual, or get a group or ministry team together and raise some much needed funds.

Ideas to kickstart your fundraising:

  • Challenge yourself (Eg. 10,000 steps each day)
  • Host an event (A 'Red' Party)
  • Have a sleep out

For further information please head to


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