Current up-to-date information about Riverside and all our activities can be found by following the RiversideSalvos button link below.
The RiversideSalvos website includes our sermons, upcoming events and news as well as information on our team, vision, values and community activities.
Join us at 10am every Sunday for a contemporary worship service with teaching relevant for life in the 21st century.
Connect with us afterwards over Coffee in the Cafe or on the Courtyard.
If you can, let us know you are coming.
All sermons available on our Riverside Website
Splash is our expression of Church for families with children.
High energy, creative and fun, Splash is church like you've never experienced it.
We start at 11:45pm and finish at 12:30pm and then connect over coffee as the children play in the soft play or on the grounds.
We'd love you to join in the fun.