Darwin - Robertson Barracks

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Robertson Barracks is a major Australian Army base located in the Northern Territory of Australia within the suburb of Holtze, in the Municipality of Litchfield about 15 kilometres east of the Darwin city centre.

The barracks were built during the 1990s. The Barracks are home to the 1st Brigade and the 1st Aviation Regiment. Robertson Barracks has a helicopter airfield, similar to Holsworthy Barracks. The barracks was named after Lieutenant General Sir Horace Robertson, commander of the 1st Armoured Division and 6th Division during the Second World War, and later Commander in Chief British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan.

The units currently located on Robertson Barracks are:

  • 1st Armoured Regiment
  • 1st Combat Service Support Battalion
  • 1st Combat Signals Regiment
  • 1st Combat Engineer Regiment
  • 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment
  • 8th/12th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery

A Salvation Army "Hop In" Centre is also located on the base for recreation.

Robertson Barracks has two RSDS representatives, husband and wife team, Major Mairi Mitchell (OIC) and Major Gerald Mitchell.  Mairi is responsible for 1st Combat Service Support Battalion (1CSSB) and 8/12 Artillery Regiment and Gerald is respoisible for 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR) and 1st Combat Engineer Regiment.

Mairi can be contacted on 0400 642 881 or mairi.mitchellmairi.mitchell@salvationarmy.org.au

Gerald can be contacted on 0487 800 293 or gerald.mitchellgerald.mitchell@salvationarmy.org.au


If you would like to donate funds to Red Shield Defence Services, Darwin, please direct deposit to the following account:

BSB 642 170

Account 617778

Please leave your name as a reference. If you require a receipt, please email mairi.mitchell@salvationarmy.org.au


Out Field with The "Sallyman"

 The "Sallyman" catching up with members of the 1st Combat Engineering Regiment at Cultana Training Area in South Australia.

The Dogs are Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD). Whilst training as bomb sniffers, they too join the troops for a well earned break around the "Sallyman's" Truck.



The "Sallyman" fords a creek at the High Range Training Area near Townsville in Queensland to deliver much enjoyed refreshments to those training. A M113 APC watches and waits as the "Sallyman" crosses the river. It is not uncommon for the "Sallyman" to be escorted to the different locations during exercises.


Soldiers from the 1st Armoured Regiment & 1st Combat Support Supply Battalion partake in a break from training, enjoying a refreshing drink and a chat. Where ever the "Sallyman" is, troops will soon gather. 



The "Sallyman" with members of 5 RAR at Cultana Field Training Area in South Australia. The soldiers really appreciate a hot or cold beverage from the "Sallyman" to sooth a parched dry throat and wash some of that red bull dust down.




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