18 February 2015
2014 Red Shield Defence Services Conference.
The majority of the Red Shield Defence Services team gathered from across Australia at the recent conference held at The Crown Plaza, Surfers Paradise, QLD. In total 24 Sallymen and women attended the conference held from 25th - 29th August 2014.
The conference is held every two years and provides an opportunity for the team members to network and share ideas and stories. Bases represented were: Darwin, Townsville, Brisbane, Singleton, Holsworthy, RMC, Puckapunyal & Adelaide.
The delegates were blessed by the ministry of Majors Sam and Ev Hancock from South Australia and Major Dr Kelvin Alley, National Secretary of The Salvation Army in Australia.
Other guests during the week included Lt Col Laurie Robertson, Secretary for Program, Australian Eastern Territory, Lt Col Graeme Rigley, Secretary for Program, Australian Southern Territory and Captain Grant Sandercock-Brown, Academic Program Officer, School of Officer Training.
On the Tuesday evening a formal dinner was held. Special guests included Commissioners James and Jan Condon, Brigadier Greg Bilton (Commander 7th Brigade), Lieutenant Colonel John Findlay (Defence Support Operations), Major Mark Campbell (Divisional Commander South Queensland Division), Major Julie Alley (Director, Salvation Army International Development Office) and Mr Dale Pollock (Executive Officer, ADF Support Services). Brigadier Bilton spoke of the importance of the Red Shield Defence Services within the structure of the ADF welfare system.
Major Henry May, who has been with the Department since April 1992 will be leaving the Red Shield Defence Services in August 2014. The group took this opportunity to thank Henry for his service and presented him with a Red Shield Defence Services placque.
Formal group photo after the Dining in Night.
CDF is a General. Not a Major General.
A huge hello to Sam and Ev Hancock who are just two of the most genuine people I have ever met. Living in Tangambalanga North East Victoria these days with my family consisting of Samantha and our 12 year old Riley. We are on an acreage looking out to the snowfields and the peace and tranquillity has been a small glimpse of heaven. I was looking to come and say hello to the both of you in Rowville which shows how far behind the times I am, it sounds like you are back doing great work in SA. All gods blessings to you both, please know you are in our thoughts as you do gods work and whilst I haven't walked back into a church after the bosse incident, you both have always been such a great witness to me as people who live the life of a Christian by example. If I am back in SA at some stage saying Hi to mum, I will try to track your new church assignment down and attend. If anyone knows how I can catch up with Sam and Ev, pls feel free to forward my contact details of brenton@posnav.com.au to these great people anytime.
kind regards
Brenton Meadows