Rent & Housing

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Everyone man, woman and child shares the human right to adequate housing. A decent standard of housing fulfills physical needs by providing security and shelter from weather and climate. It fulfills psychological needs by providing a sense of personal space and privacy. It fulfills social needs by providing a gathering area and communal space for families. Adequate housing helps us to feel safe, at peace and supports a sense of belonging.

The Salvation Army is supporting people to find freedom from homelessness, and enjoy the freedom that comes from being securely placed in a healthy home environemnt. As Dorothy says "There's no place like home".


If you are in crisis and have an urgent need for overnight accomodation phone Link2home on 1800 152 152 (free call).

Link2home is a single, state-wide telephone service for homelessness enquiries in NSW. Link2home provides assistance to people who are homeless or at risk of being homelessness by offering access to specialised support and accommodation services.

From 9am to 10pm daily, Link2home provides information, assessments and referrals to homelessness services across NSW. Between the hours of 10pm and 9am, Link2home provides information, assessments and refer to emergency services if required. Referral to accommodation and support services is not available during these hours.


Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is an abuse of power, it occurs when one person in an intimate relationship engages in behaviour that causes fear or harm to the other person. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please ring the Domestic Violence Line for help on 1800 656 463 (FREE CALL). This line is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Rent or Mortgage Stress
If you cannot afford to rent privately then get in contact with Housing NSW, who provide access to affordable housing for individuals and families in genuine need. To find out if you're eligible for support click here. If you are then contact them via their website - or through the Housing Contact Centre (see below for details):


Telephone 1300 HOUSING (1300 468 746)
The Housing Contact Centre delivers a wide range of servicess 24 hours a day, every day of the year:
- General Enquiries (24 hours / 7 days)
- Rentstart (Monday to Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 10:00am - 3:00pm)