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News / 2018 / 03 / 22

2018 Red Shield Trivia Night

22 March 2018

You are invited to join us for the 2018 Red Shield Trivia Night - a fantastic opportunity for the community to come together for a fun, exciting and entertaining evening with chances to win some amazing prizes - all in support of the Ryde Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal!

The evening will be hosted by our Trivia Master who will provide an array of themed, music and visual questions. Guests can participate in raffle draws, silent auctions and other fun table games.

Now in its 3rd year the Annual Red Shield Trivia Night will be held at the Ryde Salvation Army at Unit 5/112 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park. Parking is available on the site, or it's a short walk from the Macquarie University train station or Macquarie shopping centre.

All funds raised will go towards the Ryde Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal - bringing HOPE where it's needed most in the community!


See below for all the key details:

$20 per head - payment can be made at the door via Cash or EFTPOS.

Tables of 8.

Please bring gold coins for games and raffle.

BBQ Dinner available from 6:00pm onward // $3 per serve.

Espresso coffee, tea and soft drink will also be available for purchase.


Book you table today by contacting:

Nicky Dodds    0413 676 709

Janice Perrett   0438 435 382


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