26 August 2022
Colonels Cheralynne and Kelvin Pethybridge lead the Salvos in Eastern Europe. Facing the crisis in Eastern Europe Australian Salvation Army officers (pastors) Colonels Cheralynne and Kelvin Pethybridge lead the Salvos in Eastern Europe. This vast area comprises the nations of Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. Salvos Magazine caught up with the Pethybridges while they were rece...
8 August 2022
Captain Philip Sutcliffe is community-focused as he and his family serve those in the Northern Rivers region of NSW, in both the good times and the tough. Supporting those impacted by devastatin...
8 August 2022
The team working from The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) Winnebago distributing flood relief. Recovery work continues in devastated areas of Northern NSW Words Cliff Worthing “T...
20 June 2022
Captain Rezo Bakhtadze, at front, was part of the Georgian Salvos team assisting Ukrainian refugees in Romania. Captain Rezo Bakhtadze and his wife, Major Sophie Bakhtadze, are The Salvation Arm...
28 November 2021
The Salvation Army’s new International Positional Statement, ‘Caring for the Environment’, sets out a strongly worded description of the many ways God’s creation has suffer...
28 November 2021
Australian faith leader unite for climate change. Photo KianWorthing Photography. Words Simone Worthing Commissioners Janine and Robert Donaldson, leaders of The Salvation Army Australia,&#...
22 August 2021
Acqua helps bring hope and healing to those impacted by bushfire tragedy (Photo Kian Worthing) Aqua Hastings works for the Salvos in Disaster Bushfire Outreach. She is based in Albury- Wodonga and wor...
9 February 2021
Major Topher Holland oversaw the Salvos’ response to the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires. Salvo teams assist those impacted by traumatic events Words Holly Reed As General Manager of The Salvati...
19 January 2021
A story of renewal Words Naomi Singlehurst In the picturesque NSW hamlet of Kangaroo Valley, a stunning river creates an idyllic backdrop for both locals and tourists who flock to the area over...